The SRS is quickly convertible between the following calibers: 308 WIN, 300 WIN MAG, 338 LM, and 243 WIN. Solid, repeating return-to-zero barrel mounting system (the receiver securely clamps around the first six inches of barrel) Match grade (free-floated) barrels, chambers, and crownsģ.
The SRS achieves superb accuracy in all calibers because it's built around core accuracy components:ġ. Remember that elevation knobs will have to be tweaked after you change calibers because every size round has a different trajectory. Accuracy is something that was hard to get down at first. I have seen this in action though and I was surprised on how easy it is to interchange the barrels and how smoothe the action of the rifle is. I would warn that Chasis take abuse too and noone really considiers that any more it seems while building a rifle. It seems like you are down to needing to buy only one rifle system and that the interchangable pieces will provide the necessary configuration for ANY mission.